Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Summer Plans - Take II

I have decided that LA is a no-go this summer. Tough decision, but I'm feeling good about it.

In a [rather large] nutshell, here is the situation:
A few months ago, I had met with one of the deans to learn more about Stony Brook's MD with Recognition program, through which students can complete a project (six months' worth of work taking place over the first summer and then during the third and fourth years) in either research or the humanities, for which they receive funding and then recognition at graduation. I left the meeting with the understanding that I could do a humanities project in addition to my LA research project. I designed a project, found two mentors, was accepted, and also was awarded the Berken Fellowship, which is given to one student each year who is pursuing a project in the humanities. (It will be mentioned at graduation and during my fourth year I will present my project at a dinner with the family who funds this award.) This was the project that I had alluded to several posts ago. Yay! But not so fast....

Then I was told that I could not accept two sources of funding, even though they were for completely separate things. My ability to complete both a full-time research job and ample work on the humanities project was also called into question. Frustrated, I initially resolved to forego one source of funding and do a great job on both. Then, as my stress level rose rapidly, I realized that, while I could most likely do both, I would have little time left over for relaxing, spending time with my family and friends, planning the wedding (more to come on that topic but I feel it deserves a post of its own).... After much discussion, weighing of priorities, and meditation, I opted to bow out of the LA program, pursue my humanities project, and use the rest of my time this summer to recuperate from first year.

So what is this project that made me choose lovely suburban South Setauket over glamorous LA? I will be composing a series of short stories inspired by my experiences during medical school. The collection will include one story to represent each of the first two years, and then one for each of the main clinical rotations that I complete during third year. In preparation, I will be attending a writing workshop (Iowa Summer Writing Festival) and reading numerous works written by physicians during their training. I am intimidated, hoping I can actually accomplish what I proposed, but I'm so excited to actively pursue writing, which has long been a love of mine but has consistently taken a backseat to biochemistry and other less creative pursuits.

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