Wednesday, December 24, 2008

1/8 MD!

As of last Friday, I have completed 1/8 of medical school! After lots of preparation and a fair bit of worrying, my finals went well. In fact, yesterday I got kind of an early Christmas present in that my biochemistry grade was posted and I was very happy! I'm still waiting on my final anatomy score, but I know approximately what it will be, and I'm totally satisfied.

It's really amazing how much can change in a few short months. I know this from past experience, and had tried to remind myself earlier in the semester, whenever I got worried and agitated, that eventually I would get used to this whole med school thing and it would seem like old hat. I realized I had reached that point about 2 weeks ago. I had the day off from class, but needed to go to my ICM (Intro to Clinical Medicine) site, where I work with an internal medicine doctor about once or twice a month, learning to do basic patient interviews and exams. I stopped by school to pick up my white coat and stethoscope from my locker, and as I hurried through the halls, I realized that the only thing on my mind at the moment was driving carefully through the rain to get to the site on time - a perfectly normal thing to think about. This was in stark contrast to earlier days when, in addition to normal worries, I had to think about finding my way around the halls of the Health Sciences Center where I go to school. (On the first day of class, after I finally figured out how to get from my car to the right entrance of the building, I had to follow other classmates because I didn't know which way to wind through the seemingly-labyrinthine halls to get to class!) School alone provides enough to worry about, so imagine how much was on my mind when I was still adapting to my new setting! It was like a full-bodied sigh of "Aaaaahh, I'm ok now," to realize that, without knowing when exactly, I had passed through that initial phase. Now my full concentration can be given to school rather than being spread thin between school, navigation, meeting new people, etc.

After finals, I slept past noon for the first two days. I'm starting to feel like a normal person again, re-entering the rest of life and taking care of things like laundry and buying stamps. I'm also starting to work out how I will spend next summer - my last free summer! I'm hoping to do some clinical oncology research (surprise, surprise), but I'm not sure where that will happen yet. I have already applied to one program, and will investigate several others as well.

And now the holidays are in full swing. Tay and I spent Sunday evening with his mom and her boyfriend, Monday evening with his father, stepmother, and little brother who just turned 7, and last night with my parents. We actually had my family's "official" Christmas last night, including a scrumptious meal and many thoughtful gifts, because we are heading up to Vermont today for four days of skiing. (We did save some presents to bring up there; I'm still a little kid and insisted we have something to open on the real Christmas Day.)

With that, I will end and continue cleaning the apartment and packing. I wish everyone happy and healthy holidays!!

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